Transcript & mp3 file
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Oh hey! You came back! Danni from Surfer, here! In this bonus lesson, we're going to teach you how to optimize your optimization process. Yeah, you heard that correctly: optimize your optimization process. We also have a free template for you.
Let's get started.
It’s quite possible that you don’t work alone, so how do you go about sharing the updates you’ve made with others?
Wait, even if you do work alone, how do you remember and track the changes you’ve made post-publishing?
That’s a lot of brain space and a whole bunch of room to make silly mistakes. Surfer wants to help! In this lesson you can download a template to help you track your changes.
Here's how to make the best use of this template:
First, type in the page name and target keyword you’ve optimized it for, and the publication date. Sometimes you’ll do optimization for more than one keyword and that’s something you should note here as well.
Choose the adjustment type. To make things easier, I created a list with possible adjustments, but you can obviously adjust the table to your own needs. In the template, you’ll find things like Adding internal links, adding prominent terms, merging content. Etc.
Now, fill in the “details” box. Write down exactly what has been done. In the example here, I noted that I added 6 internal links and optimized prominent terms with high relevancy.
Linking to the shared Audit is also a great idea so everyone has access to the data you worked with, and you’re able to keep your team in the loop.
Next, type in the date of the adjustment and schedule the date for the revision. On that date, you can check back in with Google Search Console or your keyword tracking tool of choice.
Ask yourself: what has changed? Did your position increase, decrease, or were there no changes at all? Define the results in the next cell and then, In the additional comment box, you can add information on how many positions your content moved, and what further changes are needed.
There’s absolutely no way in the world that you should be expected to commit all of this data to memory, so hopefully this template makes your life easier!
Enjoy, and I’ll meet you in the next lesson!
Instructions to access the template: